Current date/time is Mon Apr 29, 2024 7:09 am

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Here is the updated Site Rules No Spamming-If you spam a site's name we will i ban you then DDOS that site If you spam for somthing related to our site (Where are the hacks ETC) you will be banned on how much you spammed (Spammed more then 3 times -1 day ban Spam More then 5 times 10+ ban) No Stealin- Remember NO staff would ever ask for your password EVER we would never ask for anything of the sort none of your game account So dont give this Information out WE WILL NOT BE RESPONIBLE for anything that happens from TeamView Or giving account Information Out (Only Trust Staff) No Beggin- I hate when people beg me for a hack for ask when it will be released IT WILL WHEN I SAY so if you ask me i will ban you for 10+ days Dont Beg staff for hack DONT beg to be vip (Staff Included) ChatBox- On the Chatbox There is no Spamming allowed first sign of spam will be a ban No begging for a chatbox mod you will only be made mod if you are part of staff FOR STAFF MEMBERS If i get a complain or i see you kicking a member or vip member for no reason i will de-mod you from chatbox and most likly from forum Staff- If you would like to apply to the staff Please Apply Here And dont post in another section IF i see a application posted in another Section i will delete it and you will get a Infraction Also When you apply (GFX Mod etc) I would like to see some experience so if you wanna join GFX TEAM i would like you to show work if you dont show work Within the 24 Hours of the posted Topic Thead ETC i will deleted the thread and you woul have to apply again If you apply again and still dont show work i will not let you in staff even when you show work If you beg for a staff position you will be denied and not allowed in staff EVER 18+ Images- If you post a 18+ Image (Nude Image) In any Section Besides the 18+ section you will be banned for a week and image deleted reason for that we could get our Website deleted for that. 18 Section- If you would like to join the 18+ Section you would have to provide Proof of you age being 18+ Staff members do have access to this section If i do allow you in 18+ section then you Are allowed to post anything 18+ (Nude photos Nude Videos Porn ETC) But you can not post any of those Images In ANY other Forum VIP- To become VIP there are a few different vip groups (Vip Member Vip Lifetimer Vip ultimate) You Either Pay to join these groups NX Pay for these groups or A character for this groups If you go through paying for VIP Pm me your application if its VALID i will accept you into VIP and you will have access to The vip section that you bought (If you bought ca you have access to ca vip you bought a.v.a you have access to a.v.a vip section ETC) If you buy from using Nx Or NexonCash You would Pm ME ONLY Pm me Nx code here And when i see that it is a working code i will accept you into vip if the code is NOT a VALID code and i find out you try to scam me i will ip ban you. If you get V.I.P through a character it MUST either be a HIGH RANK or have NX WEAPONS or NX on it if it dont have none this you would not be accepted Vip Members- Even though you are a V.I.P member you are not above the rules if you break any of the rules above The Staff of this FORUM will have every Right to ban you we do NOT have to give you back your payment nx or character because you where banned If you would like to switch from ca vip to lets say a.v.a Vip you MUST DO within the first WEEK of becoming VIP Game VIP- If i am unable to make any vip from a Nexon Threat I will make another site and start again from there all vips from this site will be transfored and 1 month added on IF i cannot Create a bypass for the hacks then i will give you a 50% Return of your MONEY how ever NX AND CHARACTERS are not re-funable Disrespect- If any Staff member Or member Disrespects anyone on this site Staff will be de-staffed and members will be banned I do not tolerate any DisRespect to any of my staff members or Any of my Members Respect- Remember if you respect people you will be respected back (Thats what i look for in staff -Hint-) If you have any Complain of staff members or regular members i would ask you to Pm me here Thanks Mccartneykd Site Owner site vip coder